
Find How to use Logic Holes for Success

What is a "Logic Hole?" MLM Lead System Pro might be one - "Twitter & Facebook"were certainly "Logic Holes" 10 years ago.Around 25 years ago I can up with the term "Logic Hole" to mean a literal hole or blind spot in your thinking. Many of my friends and co-workers have been exposed to the idea through my ardent efforts to share poems or thoughts of wisdom.Now because I did not publicly broadcast the concept in a prestigious magazine article like "The New York Times," or "Ladies Home Journal" it is not commonly known or understood. I just did a recent Google search for the words "logic hole" to see what use the term currently has - I found out that it is related mostly with black holes.As you see this is a bit of a tongue-in-cheek article and slip-shod humor but what else can you do when your stock portfolio falls faster than your diet when you go to the "Cheesecake Factory."Let's get dangerous and learn how to use this useful concept. So, what is a "logic hole?"That can be answered by how I came upon the discovery of the idea. I had been playing a great deal of chess at the time and mind you I was no slouch almost a "Grand Master. " Remember the jesting? Anyway I really am a good chess player and I found that when the computer would announce "mate-in-one" - which meant - the game was going to be over with the computer's next move regardless of what move I was going to make.Now - no matter how intense I looked - I could not see what the computer had up its sleeve and sure enough when it made its next move it was "check mate" game over.This happened time and time again even though I really was close to being a "Chess Master." For some reason I just could not "see" a simple one-move-mate.Then it occurred to me! I could not see something so simple because of how "my own logic and perspective viewed the problem." Then, "Logic Holes" were discovered.I realized that there were blind spots in my thinking process. They are much like the blind spot you experience when you look into your side mirror when you are driving on the freeway. If you have a cargo van - like I do - you have to be very careful when shifting lanes. These blind spots can cause you to easily hit a little car that has snuck up beside you and is sitting in that blind spot where you cannot see it.Logic holes are very analogous to that blind spot in your side Iphone 4s Repair Parts mirror. Unless you move your head around a bit the blind spot in your mirror will preclude you from knowing what is in the next lane. This dilemma has been car led lights so great that special curved mirrors have been invented to correct the hazard.The key is that "logic holes" exist in our logic and conscious thinking. They also exist in society's majority consciousness so that simple items or concepts like the Frisbee were all over for many years before a patented was applied for.You more than likely have seen simple inventions and said to yourself, "why didn't I think of that?" Well that was a "logic hole." The consequence of this information is that once you know that these "holes" exist, you can look for them. This should be of major help when looking for new ways to market products on the internet and that is where MLMLeadSystemPro is especially helpful in that the team that has been put in place are experts in all phases of "Internet Marketing." You will notice that because this team has such a extensive array of approaches to "Online and Offline Marketing" the concept of "Logic Holes" has bigger meaning when you know that ideas and concepts are sitting all around you. You will be able to see them if you just alter your perspective or analysis of life or ideas slightly.So happy hunting!

