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Do You Diy Or Use A Salon For Your Nails
Are you a person that does your nails? Do you do them yourselves or do your go to a nail shop? This is fast becoming a wave with the caring of your nails. It used to be that you would use files or emery boards to shape your nails. You then used to buy all of the nail colors that you liked. In most cases you could do this once or twice a week and have some really nice looking nails. Now with more of you woman working outside the home this is becoming a thing of the past. You might not have the time or are just to tired to do this. You might have tried to keep doing this only to have all of your hard work destroyed in one day.This is because you might have your hands in a lot of water or you are using your hands making things. Doing this is really hard on your hands and then the nails happen to be harder hit. They might take a beating. Now on the market or in your town or city you might find more and more nail salons opening up. They will do your nails making them Tattoo Machine look healthier and pretty. You can go to the local store and buy these nails but they do not last very long. The bad thing about Nail Art these places is that they have to take off the top layer of your own nails. This will mean that your own nail is weaker. If you have weak nails already this might not be a good thing.When you have this done be very careful with using these nails. You could rip this fake nail off and even tear your real one. If you do this it can cause a lot of damage to your nail bed. If you have a job that is rough on your hands then going to these places might not be for you. When you get these nails they are not as easy to bend like the real ones you have. They are very tough but they can still break. Always let them remove them so that as not to damage this nail bed. They have the right stuff to remove them safely.With using these nails you can still use the same nail polish that you have but to remove this color you will need to get the right nail polish remover. Using your old remover will only do damage to those fake nails. You should Nail Tips ask what to use if they do not tell you themselves. Most of you will probably not get the ones that will need to be painted as some they have will look fine without the color.